8:46 AMI turned 18, blahbittyblahblah. that thing with tron legacy slowly fizzled down *play a sappy lovesong here*. I passed all my subjects but got a really crappyola gpa. I am on a diet, under 1k cals a day, and 15 mins of work out 6 times a week, no more alcohol, more walking and cardio, i've been cooking my own meals. Singapore in a few days. Visa Interview a few days after those few days. If i get accepted, im leaving a few weeks after those few days after those few days at SGP.
im psyched to do my own laundry and cook for my rooomies. <3 but the thought of leaving everyone i love in the phils makes me sad. :|
Life if going by so fast but at the same time so slow. whut. idk. hah.
idk anymore.